
Showing posts from May, 2017

Candidate Patrick Davis: [ig-ner-uh nt]

ig no rant [ ig -ner- uh  nt] 1. lacking   in   knowledge   or   training;   an   ignorant candidate for County Executive. 2. lacking   knowledge   or   information as  to  a   particular   subject   or   fact:  ignorant   of  your own position on KJ . 3. uninformed;   unaware. 4.due  to   or   showing   lack   of   knowledge   or   training: an   ignorant   statement to Mid Hudson News Patrick Davis declared Tuesday, May 30, 2017, live on Facebook, that he is running for Orange County Executive.   Candidate Davis lives in Monroe, 4 miles away from Kiryas Joel.    What's position has he "formulated" on KJ? Wednesday, May 31, 2017, Davis told Mid Hudson News that he has not formulated his own opinion on KJ yet, and that he will " come up with a more solid position on that as we go". What????????      That's just ignorant.    Do your homework and learn the issues before you announce your running for County Ex

Advice From Dummies: Orange County Democratic Edition

I was trying to decide who to take advice from the other day.  So I looked up, who NOT to take advice from.  Michael Hyatt wrote a column, and he said don't take advice from: "A financial advisor who is broke. A social media consultant who only has a few thousand followers. A doctor who is overweight and out-of-shape." So let's translate that into Orange County politics.  This is why I don't take advice from Jonathan Jacobson and Brett Broge.   1.  Don't take advice from someone charged with public urination. (Mr. Jacobson)   http://yourfreepress. or-not-to-peethat-is-question. html?m=0    Even funnier, there was a Quick Chek convenience store nearby, and we all know there are bathrooms in there!  2.  Don't take advice from someone who is elected to lead a party and instead causes chaos in its biggest City and biggest Town.     http://blogs.hudsonvalley. com/fray/2016/05/06/democrats- weigh-charges-of-di

Michael Sussman's WARRANT by the NYS Labor Department

NOW THIS IS INTERESTING:  Michael Sussman always claims to be a "man of the people" or "fighting for the little guy".  Yet here is the NYS Department of Labor having to file A WARRANT against him for multiple years of Labor Law violations.    I saw Sussman on a video calling for higher taxes.  He's not paying the Labor Department now, how can he call for even higher taxes.   Even more to the point, WHY WOULD HE call for higher taxes.  Sussman is on facebook complaining that nobody is standing with him.  WHY WOULD WE?   Unpaid Labor Department Warrants and calls for higher taxes.  What's next for this guy, saying someone who buys guns and says they want to kill people should be school teachers?  

Roseanne Sullivan: What is she hiding?

Orange County Legislator Roseanne Sullivan claims to be a reformer.   Since 2013, her campaign finance account has been in the negative by THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.    That means Roseanne Sullivan is lying about her donors. She is not telling us who is contributing to her account.   What is she hiding? 

Orange County Legislator Roseanne Sullivan = Hall of Shame

County Legislator Roseanne Sullivan accused the Crawford Police Chief of “bullying” witnesses in the search for information on a tragic murder.   She told witnesses not to cooperate with the police. 20160114/NEWS/160119621     Now, the County Court Judge has said the investigation into that killing “was made more difficult because teens” refused to cooperate with the police.   County Legislator Roseanne Sullivan should be ashamed of herself.    Roseanne Sullivan owes her community and crime victims everywhere an apology. 20170515/justin-speights- killer-sentenced-to-5-15- years-in-prison

Ramapo Town Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence = Hall of Shame

WESTCHESTER COUNTY NY Town of Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence, was found guilty of 20 counts of conspiracy, securities fraud and wire fraud in federal court in connection with municipal bonds issued by the town and the Ramapo Local Development Corporation.  He was acquitted of one count of securities fraud and one count of wire fraud. The conviction came after a four-week trial in White Plains federal court. He should be ashamed of himself and even though he doesn't live in Orange County, he is in our Orange County Lookout Hall of Shame!