Roseanne Sullivan: What is she hiding?

Orange County Legislator Roseanne Sullivan claims to be a reformer.  

Since 2013, her campaign finance account has been in the negative by THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.   

That means Roseanne Sullivan is lying about her donors.

She is not telling us who is contributing to her account.  

What is she hiding? 


  1. What are you hiding? Your profile is very sparse. Attacking people while remaining anonymous seems cowardly and un-American to me. On this issue: I searched Follow the Money and could find only a few donations Ms. Sullivan made to others. No mention of the info you post. Can you give us an URL to this info? I DID find a complete accounting of the contributions she rec'd from NYS Bd. of Elections:
    Walda Cameron

  2. If your intent is to do a political hatchet job I might suggest you get get a bigger (better?) hatchet. Your info sourcing is sketchy and largely unverifiable. I do like the title sub header. "We're looking out for you". As with almost all political organizations/blogs the title is usually the exact opposite of the intent. Note the "Freedom" caucus or "Heritage" foundation have little to do with either freedom or heritage. I am always interested in political corruption but this is weak tea.


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