Advice From Dummies: Orange County Democratic Edition

I was trying to decide who to take advice from the other day.  So I looked up, who NOT to take advice from.  Michael Hyatt wrote a column, and he said don't take advice from:

  • "A financial advisor who is broke.
  • A social media consultant who only has a few thousand followers.
  • A doctor who is overweight and out-of-shape."
So let's translate that into Orange County politics.  This is why I don't take advice from Jonathan Jacobson and Brett Broge.  

1.  Don't take advice from someone charged with public urination. (Mr. Jacobson)  

Even funnier, there was a Quick Chek convenience store nearby, and we all know there are bathrooms in there! 

2.  Don't take advice from someone who is elected to lead a party and instead causes chaos in its biggest City and biggest Town. 

3.  Even Governor Cuomo agrees, Orange County's most prominent Democrats are "long on rhetoric and short on facts". .  

So you've got peeing Jacobson, in-fighting/poor presiding Broge, and liar Skoufis.  Yes, I want to run as a Democrat with these goofballs leading the charge.  

I will take the advice of my favorite first Lady to those crazies asking me to step up.  JUST SAY NO.


  1. Another biased political party blog! We hate democrats, democrats are communists, democrats

    s are stupid.

  2. I don't take advice from dummies who steal copyrighted logos for a start.


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